Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Experience in Programming

          Hi Guys! I would like to tell you something about my course. If i hear the word programming, first thing comes on my mind is computer games. At first, I thought programming is really hard but later on it will be easy if you review your notes and listen to your teacher. Programming is not all about memorizing, it is all about understanding all what you have learn.

Example of it is this codes on the left side.
If you look at it, It is quite long but that codes relates with each other. Program will not run if you missed one code.

Friday, October 21, 2011

What would you invent to make life better?

    I would invent a Rocket Shoes. I wanna help people who are always late on going to school. This invention is for everybody who are in need of this gadget. I would use water as a substitution for gasoline in this invention. This will reduce Global Warming on our world today.

Paul Joshua Dayao Beldia

If it were your job to decide what shows can be on TV, how would you choose?

             If it were my job to choose...I would choose the educational one. Shows that looks like National Geographic Channel, Discovery Channel and Animal Planet.                                  

This TV shows help students learn more about what the world is. I like watching this show specially in Discovery Channel, the Man v.s Wild episode in which, you should survive. This Shows educates students as well as for everyone.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What would you invent to make life better?

I would probably invent a machine that makes money . In our world right now , we all know that we all need money . For me it could also make our life easier or better . Because most of the time money is the reason why there are crimes in our world . In reality , there is a saying that you cant bring money in heaven but we are still here in earth so we need money .. and we are educated that we could use money at the right time and at the right place . So This machine could lessen the crimes that just happen in our world .

- Jimarie J. Escuadro

What kind of TV Commercial would you like to make? Describe it.

The TV Commercial that I will make is a commercial that would encourage children from studying . The first scene would be, there is a man who regret for what he did in his past . At first , when he was a little boy he already had vices then he joined many gangs and using some illegal drugs . And a year later , he saw his classmates are already big timers and he wonder why he is still down with many financial problems . Then he died without any accomplishments in his life . 


I wish everyone would learn to... then everyone would..

I wish everyone would learn to trust each other and then everyone would learn to love each other. In my own experience , in relationship , trust is very important . If you have trust from each other , nothing can break you both apart . And we all know that there is no LOVE if there is no TRUST . For me Trust is the foundation of each relationship of every people .

-Jimarie Escuadro

Should there be a dress code in places such as school, restaurant, and places of business? Why or why not?

There should be a dress code in such places so there will be an order and that particular place will be organized . And that dress code should be appropriate in what place would that be . Dress code can also be used as an advertising your school or restaurant etc . so that customers will be pleased and be comfortable seeing the dress code attire. And if you are not in your proper attire , its like your ashamed of what place you are in and you are insulting your attire . People may see you as a professional person .

-Jimarie J. Escuadro

What does "there are two sides to every coin" mean to you?

Uhmm . Maybe , the inventor of the coin is a gambler :) just kidding :)
In reality , there are always two sides that we need to choose with , heads or tails. And for me ,In gambling either sides would represent happiness or failure. It's all about your choice to make your life successful . And its just like If you choose the right decision in your life and you'll never regret . SO CHOOSE WISELY :)

-Jimarie J. Escuadro

Why is exercise important to someone your age?

We all know that exercise is a bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. It is performed for various reasons including strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system .. At my age right now , I really need to exercise to maintain the good health of my body . Some people forget to exercise that's why they get fat and forget to maintain their balance or some people are malnourished .

-Jimarie Escuadro

What makes you melancholic?


     Melancholy means a gloomy state of mind. I wonder, what makes me gloomy? Waiting for a long period of time makes me gloomy, because it makes me think of what I used to be when I was younger. The word "waiting" for me is like a recreational exercise because it's a time for me to look back at things I did in the past and asking myself If I did the right thing or if I did something wrong again. Yet there's still a whole bucket-load of questions popping inside my mind, considering the fact that I'm a NEGATIVE person. Waiting from time to time is a really good exercise for me.

Monday, October 17, 2011

What advice would you give a new student?

Being new student in a big school (just like me!) is just so
freaking hard. It's really hard to fit in with your new
classmates, but if you have overwhelming confidence
everything will be fine, you'll have your
new friends by the end of the day. Being a new
student for me isn't really a big problem because
all I do when i'm surrounded by strangers,
I smile and when they smile back it's a signal that
they can be your new friends.

Tip 1: Don't be such
a loner because you can't survive the whole
school year being alone and having great friends would make your school life
memorable and enjoyable.

Tip 2: Be a kind and courteous kid in the block.
Being a nice guy as a first impression is the
best way for you to be remembered .

Tip 3: The last one... just be yourself and don't
hide your true self. Being just you makes
you perfect...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What would you do if someone told you a joke and you don't think it's funny?

What a silly question.. ^^, I will tell him frankly in a funny way. Just like "harhar, tickle me please" or "Did you just tell joke?". I don't think it could hurt him/her because it's like you made a joke from his/her joke. The reason why I won't tell him harshly is because he/she might get hurt and penetrate his/here confidence. The person might get embarrassed and I really hate to embarrass a person. I think i'ts a better way than being plastic and saying "hahahaha.. that was funny" even if it's not. So.... that's all I can say...
                                                                                                      -Aubert Ebero

What is most important to you in a friend - loyalty, generosity, honesty and why?

For me, those three personalities are the personalities of a friend and I like those three personalities. but the most important thing in a friend is generosity. Simply because when a friend is generous, I can beg for foods, drinks, papers (such as bond paper, 1/4 sheet of paper, pencil, ball pen etc.) hehehe... That was just the basic needs. Seriously, the reason why I chose generosity is because when you are badly in need of something and he/she has it, he/she would lend it whole-heartily. It's not that I'm using a friend as a supplier but a friend can help you in terms of crisis.  
                                                                                                          -Aubert Ebero

What are some rules you have to follow at home?

Rules that I have to follow at home are the curfew, conservation of water and electricity, "no homework no play" and doing the assigned task given. When I  was still in first year high school, it was hard for me to follow these rules especially the "no homework no play" rule. I usually escape from our house and play with my friends or play at the internet cafe as soon as I arrive from our school. I play outside forgetting the given curfew and ended up being scolded. I was a stubborn and irresponsible but now....... 

I think I'm responsible enough and i always follow our house rules.... ^^,
                                                                                                      -Aubert Ebero

What would you do if the surprise party was for you but you weren't surprise?

If I wasn't surprised about the party that they made for me, I will tell them about it. I will tell the truth that I wasn't surprised at all. But I will still thank them for the effort that they have made. It doesn't matter for me if I was surprised or not. More important is we're celebrating a party. Having fun, talking with each other and the feeling that they cared for me because they have a time to make a surprise party for me. And the surprise party would be an unforgettable experience because it sounds funny because they fail to surprise me.

                                                                                                           -Aubert Ebero

How would you feel if someone told you that you were his/her bestfriend?

     I would be flattered if someone told me that I'm his/her bestfriend. But that doesn't mean that I'm his/her bestfriend, I'll tell him/her that he/she is my bestfriend unless it's true. I'll also feel happy because I can be someone's bestfriend.
      But, if I felt the same way, too, then I think I would be touched. It would be such an honor for me to be someone's bestfriend. If not, I would probably try and find more things that I have in common with them.

How do you feel when you do something wrong?

     Every time I make a mistake, I feel guilty. Is it because God gave me conscience to know what is right from wrong? If I do something wrong, I panic. I can't stay calm and think of any solution that would make my mistake right.
      Sometimes, I ignore it and do the wrong thing anyway. But, I feel bad for what I'm doing. I should listen to my conscience and I should always think that it is a warning signal to stop and think.

If you received any amount of money as a gift, what would you do?

     If I received money as a gift, I would buy myself something that I could use. I will buy food for my family and eat it together with them. I will treat my friends and if I still have money left, I will save it.
     I want to buy a new pair of shoes, clothes and pants. I will hang out with my friends and play with them. I just want to be happy and I want to share my blessings to those who I love.

What is the best advice you ever received? Why do you think it is the best?

     When I was in 1st year high school, I never trusted anyone besides my bestfriend, Ara. She asked me why I never talked to my classmates since we were not classmates. I told her, "I know some of them are plastics. They only talk to me when they need something from me. I know they speak ill of me and they also think I'm weird."
     "Just be yourself. You don't live to please everyone. I am here and I accept you for who you are and what you are." Those were the words she said that made me strong enough to have overcome those challenges. I can say that that was the best advice I have ever received because without those words, I might have lived a lie.

What would happen if you could fly whenever you wanted? When would you use this ability?

     If I could fly, I could avoid traffic. Isn't that terrific? There are lots of benefits that you could get from this ability. You can go wherever you want without spending money, I could also avoid from getting late and I think you can have fun flying.
     I could use this ability whenever I go to school so that I won't be late for class. I could also use this ability to go to my bestfriend's house and sleep over there.