Friday, September 30, 2011

What four things are most important in your life?

       Talking about something important in my life fist come in my mind is my family. My father, mother, and sister. They are the very important thing to me. I always asking to my self that what if I have no family? I always value everything that my parents gave to me.And also I do things that is good to me and the same time to my family.
         Second is God. I always thanks god for giving me this type of life and family.And also for our strength, knowledge and wisdom.God is everything on this world. I know he is a living God and nothing above him at all.
          Third is nature. We as human must value our nature that is given to us by our God. We must protect wild life and shelter of all the living creatures in this world.
           And lastly my self. I make my self as important as my life. This is a gift from above and I have no rights to do unnecessary things to make my self foolish and damn.

                                               Arnie P. Galagala

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