Friday, September 30, 2011

What if everyone lived underwater? Where would people live?

           Leaving underwater is too hard. Imagining fishes, sea animals and etc. Wondering how can they survived underwater. Maybe it's only the matter of "anadity" as what our sir told to us. Imagining if there is no highlands on earth?What if it's all water surrounded the world? Can I leaved for a long period of time on this world? If ever everyone will leave underwater, everyone must adapt it's nature. Adapting to the nature is needed in order everyone to survived underneath. But where can people live? Is there any areas for us? Answering this question is too easy. First
people must built an shelter that supplies all their needs. Then they must start a new life their with all the living creatures in the world from the land........

             Arnie P. Galagala

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