Friday, September 30, 2011

Why do you think that fact is important in life?

                 A fact (derived from the Latin Factum) is something that has really occurred or is actually the case. The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiabilty, that is whether it can be shown to correspond to experience. Standard reference works are often used to check facts. Scientific facts are verified by repeatable experiments. Fact is all over the world.It might not seen nor touch.Maybe all in world need fact so that there will be an order in the world. Fact is not only only for the justice but also for everything on this world.People may not leave without fact in the universe. In fact there are fact that people cannot accept by it self. The biggest fact that people cannot accept is that death, most likely the unexpected.But I kept on asking to my self"what is the difference between FACT and TRUTH?".

           Arnie P. Galagala 

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