Sunday, August 21, 2011

Describe the most ludicrous outfit you think of

I think there's nothing to think of; I experienced it and I was really ashamed of myself wearing that suit because it is for dance performance and I am uncomfortable wearing it. That suit meant to be a white polo shirt but I do not have one. So I desperately wear a college polo shirt that is in our cabinet that was not use for years and that was tight but I will use it for the sake of grades.

I expected them to put a piss on me .. :((  When I wear it. It was very very tight. Not to mention name. They piss me, laugh me, boast at me , make me shame and discourage me. All I can do is to shut my mouth. Even though they are like that they desperately make me laugh and it is funny thing about it. And after the show it's finished; all my hard time and it's like a pale of cold water pitch at me ..

And now I learn to be prepared that time so ..
I cannot afford to wear ludicrous outfit anymore it makes me shame

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