Tuesday, August 30, 2011

If you could have been somebody in history, who would you be?

If I could be someone in the history, I would be Ferdinand Magellan because traveled the world just to prove that the world is round. I would love to travel the world too if i have the chance. I know traveling around the world would be hard but in exchange you could get yourself with plenty of information about life.

Magellan was born around 1480 l. He was the son of Rodrigo de Magalhães, alcaide-mór of Aveiro and wife Alda de Mesquita and brother of Leonor or Genebra de Magalhães, wife with issue of João Fernandes Barbosa. After the death of his parents during his tenth year he became a page to Queen Leonor at the Portuguese royal court because of his family's heritage.

Magellan was a truly successful man...

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