Friday, October 14, 2011

how would you change the world to make it better?

Making a better world. sounds easy but the
truth is the world itself is more complicated
than what you think. the world is getting
smaller for us human and making it better
might be the best solution right now. If you
want to start making it better i guess you should
start at the laws changing it make all the rules in
in the world put into one in a more simple way
so that all of us people no matter what place
or color would understand it. Second just try
doing the "ARK" thing, it means Act of Random
Kindness so that all of people would help each
other in making the world a better place. Third
plant more TREES please just do it. It is the most
important because how would you live if our air
now is polluted. All of us now are suffering for
our wrong doings. The erosion, landslides and
the flash flood are the rotten fruits we are harvesting
right now. I guess even just by reading this and
spreading this word to other people would maybe
make the world a little bit better but in the end of
the day "Doing what's Right" is the best thing to
make this world a little bit BETTER.

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