Friday, October 14, 2011

Why is it important to be honest?

 Like they always say,Honesty is the best policy".Each time you are honest  and conduct yourself with honesty,a success force will drive you toward greater success.Each time you lie,even with a little white lie,there are strong forces pushing you toward failure.People trust you because they can see the truth in you.It is a great achievement to gain someone's trust and it is also a great failure to lose someone's trust.

They also say "You reap what you sow".If you plant honesty
,you will also get honesty from where you plant it.You also have to be honest to you.Be a good example to them.Show them the rewards of being honest in everything that you say........

Prefer a loss to dishonest gain.An honest loser is more honorable than a dishonest winner.When you end up losing in a contest after all you've done your best and gave everything that you had,then be glad,because now you know what are you capable of.You will know how much is your capacity.And when you have the chance to be at that contest again,you will be better than your best.........
Always tell the truth.Then you'll never have to remember what you said the last time.You will not remember what you said because you don't feel guilty when you tell the truth.Those who always tell a lie and don't feel guilty,they do not have concern for the people around them

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