Friday, October 14, 2011

What makes you feel safe? why?

The one that makes me feel safe is the safety of the most important and my most beloved girl in my life. This girl is my daily inspiration, my world, my life. When i'm with her, she always makes me smile and laugh. I fell in love with her because of her personalities like being kind, caring and loving person. When she smile, she's like turning my whole world upside down. I can really say that i'm nothing without her because she completes me. If she's reading this right now, I would like to say sorry if i'm not fun to be with. Sorry if i'm topic less sometimes. Sorry for the things I've done to you that you didn't like. Sorry for hurting you sometimes. Sorry for making you worry. I hope I won't commit mistakes to you again. I would also like to say thank you for being always there at my side. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to know you deeper. Thank you for making me smile every time were together. Thank you for always making my day complete. Thank you for giving me another chance and I'll promise that I won't waste it. Thank you for loving me. You're the best thing I ever had. I hope we can overcome all hindrances that comes into our way. I hope our relationship will stay strong. I hope, wish and pray that we'll be together, forever until the end.  I LOVE YOU! 


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