Friday, October 14, 2011

If you could do whatever you wanted to do right now,what would you do?


If I could do whatever I wanted to do right now,I like to travel in the future time using a time machine.I like to see what I will likely be after I finished college or will I ever have the chance to be a college student,what kind of job that will be the source of my income,or will I ever find a job in the future.And most of all,I like to know what will be the improvements of the next generation in terms of the technology and community.

I like to know when will be the time that we don't need to ride a car in going anywhere we want to go instead we will use flying shoes or teleporting machines.When will be the time that we can live in the newly discovered planets that are capable for living.

               Another reason is that I wanted to know what will happen tomorrow.In case that there will be an accident that may come to me,at least I can be ready.I also wanted to know who will be my partner in life.I wanted to know who will be the woman I will marry;
                                                                                              or will I ever find a woman who will be my                                                    

                                            I also wanted to use the time machine to see the the past,the history.I wanted to know what really happened in the past.There are many questions that came to my mind when it comes to history.Did this thing really happened?I also wanted to know how language was created.I wanted to see real dinosaurs.
I wanted to know how the universe was created.I also wanted to see how the people lived during those times.How they were able to find food?I wanted to see animals that in these times were considered as extinct animals.I wanted to know who were my great grandparents are.How they had lived their lives during those times?I wanted to know where I got my traits,my talents,my attitude and anything else......

I also wanted to really witness how my Filipino ancestors have live before,during, and after the Spanish colonization.

One thing I like in history is the history of the of the Roman Catholic Church.The history of the saints.The history of the ceremonies that were being held.Did witchcraft really existed?How baptism being done during the past years?I wanted to see how the first church was built.....

Another thing in history or past that I really like to go back to are the happy memories.The times when I am happy.The times that I make others happy.IF I COULD DO THIS          
                                                                         THINGS,I REALLY WANTED TO DO THEM..........

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